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2023-09-28 10:32:12 


在快速发展的汽车技术领域,精度和安全性是基石。随着未来汽车越来越先进,我们希望强调可靠部件的重要性。率先进行这种转变的是Harmony Electronics Corp .,一家著名的石英晶体振荡器和谐振器制造商。他们的专长是开发集成于多个行业的精确计时解决方案,包括汽车、医疗、工业和消费市场。














编码 Series 品牌 描述 频率
X3S01431AFK1H HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225-4P RoHS 14.318MHZ
X3S026000BB1H-CHZ HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 26MHz ±10ppm SMD-3225_4P RoHS 26.000MHZ
X3S016384DI1H-W HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_3225-4P RoHS 16.384MHZ
X3S040000BC1H-HZ HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225_4P RoHS 40.000MHZ
X3S040000MB1H-HPZ HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_3225-4P RoHS 40.000MHZ
X3S024000BK1H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225_4P RoHS 24.000MHZ
X3S027000BK1HA-Z HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_3225-4P RoHS 27.000MHZ
X3G012000DI1H-HX HSX321G HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_3225-4P RoHS 12.000MHZ
X3S013560BK1H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 13.56MHz ±10ppm SMD-3225_4P RoHS 13.56MHZ
X3S016000B81H-DHU HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_3225-4P RoHS 16.000MHZ
X3S012000BA1H-HU HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_3225-4P RoHS 12.000MHZ
X2C048000L71HA-CEHZ HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 48MHz ±8ppm SMD-2016_4P RoHS 48.000MHZ
X3S027000DK1H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_3225-4P RoHS 27.000MHZ
X3S012000BA1HA-X HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_3225-4P RoHS 12.000MHZ
X2B024000BC1HA-V HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_2520-4P RoHS 24.000MHZ
X3S032000BC1HZ-NU HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 32MHz ±10ppm SMD-3225_4P RoHS 32.000MHZ
X3S025000FC1H-HV HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_3225-4P RoHS 25.000MHZ
X3S016000DC1H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_3225-4P RoHS 16.000MHZ
X3S024000D81H-X HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_3225-4P RoHS 24.000MHZ
X3S040000BF1H-Z HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 40MHz ±10ppm SMD-3225-4P RoHS 40.000MHZ
X3S024000B91H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225_4P RoHS 24.000MHZ
X3S040000FA1H HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 40MHz ±30ppm SMD-3225_4P RoHS 40.000MHZ
X3S040000B81H-R HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_3225-4P RoHS 40.000MHZ
X3S011059DK1H HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 11.0592MHZ
X3S012000BC1H-HV HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_3225-4P RoHS 12.000MHZ
X3S025000BA1H-R HSX321S 加高代理商 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225_4P RoHS 25.000MHZ
X2B026000B91H-HZ HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 26MHz ±10ppm SMD-2520_4P RoHS 26.000MHZ
X3S012000DC1H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 12MHz ±20ppm SMD-3225_4P RoHS 12.000MHZ
X2B026000B71HZ-HPR HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 26MHz ±10ppm SMD-2520_4P RoHS 26.000MHZ
X3S048000BA1H-U HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_3225-4P RoHS 48.000MHZ
X3Z025000D81H-X HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_3225-4P RoHS 25.000MHZ
X3S027000BA1H-X HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225_4P RoHS 27.000MHZ
X3S024000BA1H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 24MHz ±10ppm SMD-3225_4P RoHS 24.000MHZ
X3S016000BC1H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_3225-4P RoHS 16.000MHZ
X3S024000BC1HA-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 24MHz ±10ppm SMD-3225_4P RoHS 24.000MHZ
X3S020000BF1HA-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_3225-4P RoHS 20.000MHZ
X5H008000DC1H-W HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_5032-2P RoHS 8.000MHZ
X3S016000DC1H-U HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_3225-4P RoHS 16.000MHZ
X2C026000B91H-V HSX211S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 26MHz ±10ppm SMD-2016_4P RoHS 26.000MHZ
X3S026000BG1S-HU HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 26MHz ±10ppm SMD-3225_4P RoHS 26.000MHZ
X3S024000BK1H-Z HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225-4P RoHS 24.000MHZ
X3S024000DC1H-X HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225_4P RoHS 24.000MHZ
X3S025000DC1H-U HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_3225-4P RoHS 25.000MHZ
X5H025000DK1H HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_5032-2P RoHS 25.000MHZ
X3S025000BA1H-U HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_3225-4P RoHS 25.000MHZ
XSA012000DK1H-OX HC-49S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 12MHz ±20ppm HC-49SMD RoHS 12.000MHZ
X3S012000BA1H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 12MHz ±10ppm SMD-3225_4P RoHS 12.000MHZ
X3S026000B71HZ-HPR HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 26MHz ±10ppm SMD-3225-4P RoHS 26.000MHZ
X3S02863ADK1HA-X HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 28.63636MHz ±20ppm SMD-3225_4P RoHS 28.63636MHZ
X2B026000B71HZ HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 26MHz ±7ppm SMD-2520_4P RoHS 26.000MHZ
X3S032000B91H-HU HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_3225-4P RoHS 32.000MHZ
X2B040000BF1H-HZ HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 40MHz ±10ppm SMD-2520_4P RoHS 40.000MHZ
X3S026000BC1H-NR HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 26MHz ±10ppm SMD-3225_4P RoHS 26.000MHZ
X3S013000BA1HA-U HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 13MHz ±10ppm SMD-3225_4P RoHS 13.000MHZ
X5H022118DK1H-W HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_5032-2P RoHS 22.1184MHZ
X5H008000FC1H-X HSX530G HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 8MHz ±30ppm SMD-5032_2P RoHS 8.000MHZ
X5H027000DA1H-W HSX530G HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 27MHz ±20ppm SMD-5032_2P RoHS 27.000MHZ
XSA008000DC1H-OX HC-49S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 8MHz ±20ppm HC-49SMD RoHS 8.000MHZ
X3S016000B91H-X HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 16MHz ±10ppm SMD-3225_4P RoHS 16.000MHZ
X1H016000FI1H-X HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 16MHz ±30ppm SMD_5032-4P RoHS 16.000MHZ
X1H025000FK1H HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 25MHz ±30ppm SMD_5032-4P RoHS 25.000MHZ
X5H015360FK1H-X HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_5032-2P RoHS 15.360MHZ
X1H027000DK1H-HV HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_5032-4P RoHS 27.000MHZ
X5H008000FK1H-X HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_5032-2P RoHS 8.000MHZ
X1H022118DK1H HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_5032-4P RoHS 22.1184MHZ
X1H012000FK1H HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 12MHz ±30ppm SMD_5032-4P RoHS 12.000MHZ
X1H025000FK1HA-X HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_5032-4P RoHS 25.000MHZ
X5H01431AFK1H-X HSX530G HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_5032-2P RoHS 14.31818MHZ
X5H013560FC1H-X HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_5032-2P RoHS 13.560MHZ
X1H016000FK1H-X HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 16MHz ±30ppm SMD_5032-4P RoHS 16.000MHZ
X5H024000DC1H-X HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 16MHz ±30ppm SMD_5032-4P RoHS 24.000MHZ
X1H008000DK1H-X HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 8MHz ±20ppm SMD_5032-4P RoHS 8.000MHZ
X1H022118FK1H-V HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 22.1184MHz ±30ppm SMD-5032_4P RoHS 22.1184MHZ
X1H020000FK1H-X HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_5032-4P RoHS 20.000MHZ
X5H025000FK1H-X HSX530G HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_5032-2P RoHS 25.000MHZ
X5H008000FF1H HSX530G HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-5032-2P RoHS 8.000MHZ
X2B024000BCIH-HV HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 24MHz ±10ppm SMD-2520_4P RoHS 24.000MHZ
X5H012000FC1H-X HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_5032-2P RoHS 12.000MHZ
X5H012288FI1H HSX530G HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 12.288MHz ±30ppm SMD-5032_2P RoHS 12.288MHZ
X5H008000IK1H-H HSX530G HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_5032-2P RoHS 8.000MHZ
X1H008000DI1H-HW HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 8MHz ±20ppm SMD_5032-4P RoHS 8.000MHZ
X3S026000B71HZ-NHPZ HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 26MHz ±10ppm SMD-3225_4P RoHS 26.000MHZ
X1C026000B81H-V HSX111AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,1.65x1.25mm RoHS 26.000MHZ
X2C024000BA1H HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-2016 RoHS 24.000MHZ
X2C024000B71H-V HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.0x1.6mm RoHS 24.000MHZ
X2R026000BZ1HZ-DEHPZ HSX221SR HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-2520 RoHS 26.000MHZ
X3S012000DK1HA-X HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225 RoHS 12.000MHZ
X2B050000BC1H-V HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 50.000MHZ
X2C024000FA1H-X HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.0x1.6mm RoHS 24.000MHZ
X3S026000BZ1HZ-HU HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225 RoHS 26.000MHZ
X3S027000BK1H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 27.000MHZ
X1C048000FK1H-HX HSX111AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,1.65x1.25mm RoHS 48.000MHZ
X3S030000BK1H HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 30.000MHZ
X3S026000B81H-NCHZ HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 26.000MHZ
X2C016000B81H-HPU HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-2016 RoHS 16.000MHZ
X3S013560DA1H-HU HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 13.560MHZ
X2C024000B91H-HZ HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.0x1.6mm RoHS 24.000MHZ
X2C037400BG1H-U HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-2016 RoHS 37.400MHZ
X3S024000DC1H HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 24.000MHZ
X2B040000BF1H-HT HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-2520 RoHS 40.000MHZ
X2B030000BA1H-U HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 30.000MHZ

加高电子是汽车安全晶体的最佳选择,有许多石英晶体振荡器和谐振器可供选择。他们对质量、精度和客户满意度的坚定承诺使他们在这个竞争激烈的行业中脱颖而出。对于北美的咨询,JF·基尔福尔随时准备提供帮助。有了Harmony Electronics,您可以自信地推动您的汽车技术走向更安全、更高效的未来。



总之,如果你正在寻找可靠和高品质的汽车安全晶体,没有比和谐电子看得更远。他们对质量、精度和客户满意度的承诺使他们成为业内领先的选择。有了Harmony Electronics,您可以将您的汽车技术推向更安全、更高效的未来。

Enhancing Safe Driving with Crystals

In the rapidly evolving landscape of automotive technology, precision and safety are the cornerstones. As we navigate a future teeming with increasingly advanced vehicles, we want to emphasize the importance of reliable components. Pioneering this transformation is Harmony Electronics Corp., a renowned manufacturer specializing in quartz crystal oscillators and resonators. Their niche lies in developing precise timing solutions integral to multiple sectors, including the automotive, medical, industrial, and consumer markets.

Crystals for Safe Driving

When discussing crystals for safe driving, we're referring to the application of quartz crystal oscillators and resonators in a vehicle's systems. These parts are crucial for ensuring the proper functioning of various electronic systems in a car.

These systems include GPS and engine control. These systems must work together seamlessly. Crystals for safety driving might include precision crystal oscillators or resonators.

Harmony Electronics proudly offers diverse quartz crystal oscillators and resonators specifically tailored for vehicles. By using effective communication between different systems, these products significantly enhance both performance and safety. Harmony Electronics guarantees a reliable and smooth driving experience for your upcoming road trip. This applies to both city and highway driving.

Applying crystals in-vehicle systems enhances the vehicle's performance and the safety of the driver and passengers. This is because these crystals ensure accurate timing and synchronization of the numerous electronic systems within the car.

The GPS needs accurate timing from crystals to find the vehicle's location and give the right directions. The engine control unit uses timing signals from crystals to regulate the engine, ensuring it performs well and uses fuel efficiently.

Driving Crystals: The Heart of Modern Automotive Technology

Driving crystals, also known as quartz crystal oscillators and resonators, are fundamental to many modern vehicle systems. They provide timing signals for car devices like airbags, anti-lock brakes, and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). Since these systems need accurate timing to work properly, the quality of the crystals used is crucial for safe driving.

Harmony Electronics recognizes the imperative need for precision and reliability. Hence, it ensures that their products undergo stringent quality assurance processes. Their crystal device products have certifications like ISO9001, ISO14001, OHSAS18001, and TS16949, showing their strong dedication to quality and reliability.

Harmony Electronics provides advanced and dependable technology for safe and efficient driving in your car. crystals for car

Harmony Electronics and JF Kilfoil: A Strategic North American Alliance

Harmony Electronics has partnered with JF Kilfoil, a respected manufacturer's representative, to better serve its North American customers. JF Kilfoil helps local businesses by providing high-quality crystal device solutions for Harmony Electronics' products.

This alliance wants to maintain the high level of service and quality customers worldwide expect from Harmony Electronics. The primary focus remains steadfastly on meeting and surpassing the needs and expectations of their North American customers.

Harmony Electronics' Commitment to Quality and Precision

Harmony Electronics is the best option for car safety crystals, with many choices of quartz crystal oscillators and resonators. Their unwavering commitment to quality, precision, and customer satisfaction sets them apart in this fiercely competitive industry. For inquiries in North America, JF Kilfoil stands ready to assist. You can confidently propel your automotive technologies towards a safer and more efficient future with Harmony Electronics.

The company's dedication to providing high-quality crystal device solutions is evident in its rigorous testing and certification processes. They create car parts that are of high quality and reliability. They pay close attention to detail to ensure your safe travels.

Moreover, Harmony Electronics' partnership with JF Kilfoil reflects its commitment to serving its customers better. This partnership helps the company serve its North American customers well. It provides them with the same great products and services. We offer these products and services worldwide.

In conclusion, if you're looking for reliable and high-quality crystals for car safety, look no further than Harmony Electronics. Their commitment to quality, precision, and customer satisfaction makes them the leading choice in the industry. Reach out to JF Kilfoil for any inquiries in North America. You can drive your automotive technologies towards a safer and more efficient future with Harmony Electronics.
